In-Program Requirements
a. Foundational Course Minimum Pass: Students wishing to proceed in the Nursing program must achieve a grade of at least C+ in the foundational Nursing courses. A student who has not passed all foundational courses may not be able to progress. If a student receives a grade less than C+ in the second attempt of a foundational course, the student will normally be required to withdraw from the program.
Foundational Courses:
NURS 215, NURS 230, NURS 231, NURS 236, NURS 206, NURS 207, NURS 208, NURS 217, NURS 251, NURS 252
b. Non-Foundational Course Minimum pass: Students wishing to proceed in the Nursing program must achieve a grade of at least C in the non-foundational Nursing courses. If a student receives a grade less than C in the second attempt of a non-foundational course, the student will normally be required to withdraw from the program.
Non-Foundational Courses:
NURS 209, NURS 211, NURS 301, NURS 304, NURS 237, NURS 362, NURS 365
c. Probation:
Requirements for nursing clinical courses: Any BScN student will be placed on probation following a failure/NCR in any nursing clinical course. When placed on probation, a student must fulfill any conditions specified by the Associate Dean, including receiving a grade of CR in any future nursing clinical course.
NOTE: Students who fail to satisfy any of the conditions of probation are required to withdraw and are ineligible for readmission to the BScN program.
d. Standing: A student with a term GPA of less than 1.7 will be required to withdraw from the BScN program. Students may re-apply to the program under the standard admission procedures for incoming students. Students who have been required to withdraw and who, after being readmitted, have a GPA of less than 2.0, will be required to withdraw and will not be readmitted to the BScN program.
e. Maintaining Registration:
Permission of the Associate Dean is required before students can register in courses in which they have previously received a grade of F, NCR, or WD. Students who receive a grade of F or WD or NCR in any NURS course will be considered out of sequence. As a result, program length will be extended and program completion may not be guaranteed.
Reregistration in Courses - A student who has a grade of WD, or does not achieve the minimum grade of C+ in a foundational nursing course, or minimum grade of C in non-foundational nursing course, or who receives a grade of no credit (NCR) for a clinical nursing course may be permitted a second attempt of the course or its equivalent.
Clinical Performance
a. Clinical Course Minimum pass: To proceed in the Nursing program students must achieve a grade of credit (CR) in the clinical nursing courses. Throughout the program, if a student receives a grade of no credit (NCR) for any two nursing clinical courses, the student will normally be required to withdraw from the program.
Nursing Clinical Courses (Years 1 – 3):
NURS 250, NURS 253, NURS 360, NURS 361, NURS 363, NURS 364
b. Clinical competency development
i. INTP 303
a. Students who withdraw or who receive a grade of no credit (NCR) for a nursing clinical course in the 2nd year or 3rd year of the Bachelor of Science Nursing program (NURS 250, NURS 253, NURS 360, NURS 361, NURS 363, NURS 364) will be required to enrol in and receive a grade of credit (CR) for INTP 303 prior to the next attempt of the clinical course.
b. Students for whom INTP 303 is required who receive a grade of no credit (NCR) for this course will be required to withdraw from the BScN program.
c. INTP 303 may be required when:
- More than 12 months has passed since a student’s most recent successfully completed clinical course, or
- A student is accepted for transfer from another Nursing program and it is considered necessary to assess the student’s knowledge and skills.
ii. NURS 420
a. Registration in NURS 420 is required commonly when a student has attempted but not successfully completed a clinical course in year 4 of the program and has been assessed as having challenges meeting course expectations, typically as set out in the Evaluation of Nursing Practice (ENP).
b. Students in fourth year will be required to receive a grade of credit (CR) for NURS 420 before being permitted to take any future clinical courses in the BScN program.
NOTE: Students who receive a grade of no credit (NCR) on the second attempt in any nursing clinical course after successfully passing INTP 303 or NURS 420 will be required to withdraw from the program.
Professional Ethics: All students enrolled in the BScN program at Red Deer College are bound by, and shall comply with the Canadian Nurses Association’s Professional Codes of Ethics governing the profession and practice of Nursing, including the current Canadian Nurses Association’s Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses, and all other relevant professional codes and practice standards for registered nurses.
Students in year 4 of the BScN program will need to be familiar with the University of Alberta’s Code of Student Behavior (See §30.1 and 30.2 of the Code of Student Behaviour). The official version of the Code of Student Behaviour, as amended from time to time, is housed on the University of Alberta website (see Governance).