Fine Art, Bachelor

Contact Information
Contact Name: 
James Trevalyan
Contact Title: 

Program Information

Contact Phone: 
403.342.3400 OR 1.888.732.4630
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Department Information

For more information visit the Visual Arts Department, under Academic Departments.

University Transfer Program

Two-Year University Transfer Program:

The Bachelor of Fine Art program provides a comprehensive program of studies for those considering a career or general education in visual art.

The Program

The instructors in the Visual Art Department are themselves practising artists. Studios are fully equipped for ceramics, sculpture, painting, drawing, printmaking, and design.

The program offers you a concentrated visual arts foundation in a two-year time span. The first year emphasizes experience in drawing, painting, design, ceramics, sculpture, art history, and English. A broad range of visual experiences will help you form a visual arts vocabulary and master skills in composition and technical areas.

Emphasis in the second year is on creative growth and visual maturity in studio work.

Transfer Features

You may transfer up to 20 course equivalents taken at RDC to the University of Alberta, University of Calgary, University of Lethbridge or the Alberta College of Art and Design, NSCAD University, and the Emily Carr University of Art and Design. The B.F.A. program is also transferable to most other Canadian universities and art colleges.

Admission Requirements: 

Related Link: Admission requirements for specific programs will often refer to Alberta Grade 12 course groups. Visit the Admissions page for detailed group descriptions.

1. Minimum average of 60% with no mark below 50% in:

  1. English 30 or ELA 30-1 or English 33 or ELA 30-2. Note: Students who enter the program with ELA 30-2 must take English 30-1 or the equivalent (English 095) and may not complete the program in four terms. English 095 is not credited towards diploma requirements.
  2. Three subjects from Group A, B, or C
  3. One subject from Group A, B, C or D


2. Mature Student

You must be 19 years of age or older, out of high school at least one full year before the program starts, and have a minimum 60% average with no mark below 50% in:

  1. English 30 or ELA 30-1 or English 33 or ELA 30-2 Note: Students who enter the program with English 33 must take English 30 or the equivalent (English 095) and may not complete the program in four terms. English 095 is not credited towards diploma requirements as it is equivalent to high school English 30.
  2. Subject from Group A, B, or C

Note: In addition to the program admission requirements applicants, whose first language is not English, must demonstrate English language proficiency.

Graduation Requirements: 

You must pass 20 term university transfer courses or a minimum of 60 credit hours, and achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 to receive a Diploma in University Transfer Studies.

Program Content
University of Lethbridge

You may enter the third year of BFA (Art) at the University of Lethbridge or the Alberta College of Art and Design if you have successfully completed all of the program requirements, or transfer to most Canadian universities.

Suggested Pattern Year 1

  • ART 101/101 Visiting Artists
  • ART 201/203 Art History I and II
  • ART 231/233 Visual Fundamentals I & II
  • ART 241/243 Drawing I and II
  • ART 251 Two Dimensional Studies - Painting I
  • ART 261 Three Dimensional Studies - Ceramics I
  • ART 281 Three Dimensional Studies- Sculpture I
  • English One term course at the 200 level

Suggested Pattern Year 2

  • ART 101/101 Visiting Artists
  • ART 310/311 Professional Practice I and II
  • ART 341/343 Drawing III and IV

Two studio electives from the following:

  • ART 351/353 Painting II and III
  • ART 361/363 Ceramics II and III
  • ART 375/377/379 Printmaking (Two will be offered each year)
  • ART 381/383 Sculpture II and III
  • One term academic option
  • English One term course at the 200 level
  • Two term University transfer academic option (preferably a 300 level Art History).
Year 1 Course Descriptions

ART 101

This is a presentation based course featuring a diverse range of visiting artists who are professionally active in the visual art studio areas. Presentations will contain a variety of graphic content. Note: This course will be evaluated using a credit(pass)/non-credit(fail) grading system based upon 75% attendance. Note: Repeat for credit 4 times for 2 credits. To complete their program requirement; BFA and Visual Art students must have completed a total of 2 credits in ART 101. Beginning date for ART 101 is Fall 2002.

ART 201

A survey of Art History from Prehistoric to Renaissance.

ART 203

A survey of Art History from Renaissance to modern.

ART 231

A foundation level; project based studio course that introduces the formal elements and principles of two dimensional design.

ART 233

A foundation level; project based studio course that introduces the formal elements and principles of three dimensional design.

ART 241

Basic theory and practice of drawing. Note: May include use of life models.

ART 243

ART 241 continued. Basic theory and practice of drawing. Emphasis is on analysis and motivation. Note: May include use of life models. Prerequisite: ART 241

ART 251

Introduction to various materials and techniques in both traditional and contemporary formats. Note: May include use of life models.

ART 261

Ceramic process in image and idea.

ART 281

Sculptural process in image and idea.

Year 2 Course Descriptions

ART 101

This is a presentation based course featuring a diverse range of visiting artists who are professionally active in the visual art studio areas. Presentations will contain a variety of graphic content. Note: This course will be evaluated using a credit(pass)/non-credit(fail) grading system based upon 75% attendance. Note: Repeat for credit 4 times for 2 credits. To complete their program requirement; BFA and Visual Art students must have completed a total of 2 credits in ART 101. Beginning date for ART 101 is Fall 2002.

ART 310

The exploration and application of issues; responsibilites; techniques; and systems related to professional artistic practice with an emphasis on portfolio development. Pre-requisites: Art 231;233;241;243;251;261;281 or department approval

ART 311

The exploration and application of issues; responsibilities; techniques; and systems related to a professional artistic practice with an emphasis on proposals; support agencies; and contractual and financial matters. Pre-requsite: Art 310

ART 341

Theory and practice of drawing. Emphasis is on developing more advanced drawing and perception skills. Note: May include use of life models Prerequisites: ART 231; 233 and 243

ART 343

Emphasis is on refining technique and resolution of working concepts. Note: May include use of life models Prerequisite: ART 341

ART 351

ART 251 continued. A contemporary approach to painting that develops individual strengths; using a problem solving approach. Note: May include use of life models Prerequisites: For AU; UofC; UofL; AUC; B.F.A. program: ART 251 231; 233 and 243. For UofA; B.F.A. program: ART 231; 233; 243; 251 and 281.

ART 353

ART 351 continued. Note: May include use of life models Prerequisite: ART 351

ART 361

Emphasis is on hand building and surface enrichment. Lectures; critiques; and studio practice. Prerequisites: ART 231; 233; 243 and 261

ART 363

Further work and study in clay. Kiln firing principles and introduction to throwing. Lecture; critiques; and studio practice. Prerequisite: ART 361

ART 375

Relief printmaking; including woodcut; wood engraving; linocuts; and colour printmaking. Prerequisites: For AU; UofC; UofL; AUC; B.F.A. Program: ART 231; 233; and 243. For UofA; B.F.A. Program: ART 231; 233; 243; 251 and 281.

ART 379

Intaglio and relief printmaking. Includes etching; engraving; collograph; and colour printing.

ART 381

Developing and realizing sculpture using various techniques and materials. Prerequisites: For UofC; UofL; AUC; B.F.A. Program: ART 231; 233; 243 and 281. For UofA; B.F.A. Program: ART 231; 233; 243; 251 and 281.

ART 383

Further study and work in sculpture. Prerequisite: ART 381