Welder, Apprenticeship

Contact Information

Program Information

Contact Phone: 
403.342.3400 OR 1.888.732.4630
Contact Email: 

Red Deer College offers the Welder Apprentice program, one of the many apprenticeship training options available for students. Apprenticeship is a career option that involves both classroom and on-the-job training. To learn the skills required of an Welder in Alberta and to be issued an Alberta Journeyman Certificate, a person must find a suitable employer who is willing to hire and train an apprentice.


The term of apprenticeship for a Welder is three years (three 12-month periods), including a minimum of 1,500 hours of on-the-job training and eight weeks of technical training in all three years.

Employment Opportunities

Welders are employed in a variety of industries which may include: manufacturing, metal fabrication, pipeline construction, oilfield/petrochemical plant construction or maintenance, equipment repair or pipe/vessel fabrication to name a few. Employment prospects for welders may include operating their own portable/shop welding business or holding positions such as Welding Examiner/Inspector, Welding Foreman/Supervisor, Welding Instructor, Welding Engineering Technician or Quality Control.

Continue Your Learning

If you have a valid Alberta Journeyman Certificate, you are eligible to receive a Blue Seal business credential after completing the necessary requirements.


For fee information, visit the tradesecrets.org website.

Faculty and Staff Contact Information

Randy Smereka - Chair
Phone: 403-342-3481
Email: welder@rdc.ab.ca

Neil Christiansen - Instructor
Phone: 403-342-3166
Email: neil.christiansen@rdc.ab.ca

Ken Heather - Instructor
Phone: 403-343-4092
Email: ken.heather@rdc.ab.ca

Len Hopkins - Instructor
Phone: 403-356-4879
Email: len.hopkins@rdc.ab.ca

Robin Hurlburt - Instructor
Phone: 403-342-3434
Email: robin.hurlburt@rdc.ab.ca

Sam Johnson - Instructor
Phone: 403-356-4872
Email: sam.johnson@rdc.ab.ca

Bruce MacLeod - Instructor
Phone: 403-357-3624
Email: bruce.macleod@rdc.ab.ca

Stephen Murrant - Instructor
Phone: 403-356-4898
Email: stephen.murrant@rdc.ab.ca

Stan Taylor - Instructor
Phone: 403-356-4965
Email: stanly.taylor@rdc.ab.ca

Lee Yasinski - Instructor
Phone: 403-314-2406
Email: lee.yasinski@rdc.ab.ca