Out of Province Equivalencies

This chart reflects common equivalency for grade and subject levels in other provinces and is intended for information only. The information is not cumulative or historical and may be subject to change without notice. Please consult the Office of the Registrar for clarification on acceptable subject equivalencies.

British Columbia and Yukon

Alberta British Columbia and Yukon
Group A Humanities
ELA 30-1 English 12, English 12: First Peoples or English Literature 12
ELA 30-2 Tech & Professional Communications 12 or Communications 12
Social Studies 30-1 History 12
30-level Language 12-level or 12A-level language
Other Group A Subjects Comparative Civilizations 12, Geography 12,  BC First Nations 12, English Literature 12, Economics 12,  Law 12, Accounting 12, Social Justice 12
Group B Fine Arts
Drama 30 Drama 12, Acting 12, Theatre Performance 12, or Theatre Production 12
Art 30, Art 31, or Applied Graphic Arts 35 Art Foundations 12, ICT Digital Media Development 12, Studio Arts 12, Visual Arts 12 or Studio Art Academy
Music 30 or Music 35 Choral Music 12 or Instrumental Music 12 (includes Band, Choir, Strings, Jazz Band, Vocal Jazz)
Other Group B Subjects Dance 12
Group C Sciences
Biology 30 Anatomy and Physiology 12
Biology 20 Biology 11 or Life Sciences 11
Chemistry 30 Chemistry 12
Chemistry 20 Chemistry 11

Computer Science - Advanced level CTS
(5 credits)

ICT: Computer Programming 12
Math 30-1 Principles of Math 12 or Pre-calculus 12
Math 30-2 Foundations of Math 12 (may not be presented for admission together with Pre-calculus 12)
Math 31 (Calculus) Calculus 12 or AP Calculus 12
Math 30 Applied Applications of Math 12
Math 20-1 Principles of Math 11, Pre-calculus 11, or Foundations of Math 11
Math 20-2 Essentials of Math 11 or Applications of Math 11
Math 10C Essentials of Math 10 or Applications of Math 10
Physics 30 Physics 12
Physics 20 Physics 11
Other Group C Subjects Geology 12, AP Environmental Science 12
Group D Other
  Other Grade 12 subjects including Western Civilization 12

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Alberta Manitoba
Group A Humanities
ELA 30-1 1 credit ELA Focus 40S
ELA 30-2 ELA 40G
Social Studies 30-1 History 40S, Western Civilization 40S or World Issues 40S
30-level Language 40-S-level language
Other Group A Subjects World/Human Geography 40S, Law 40S, Current Topics in FNMI Studies 40S
Group B Fine Arts
Drama 30 Drama 40S
Art 30, Art 31, or Applied Graphic Arts 35 Art 40G or Arts 40S
Music 30 or Music 35 Music 40S (Band, Choral, String/Orchestra, Guitar, Vocal Jazz, Jazz Band)
Other Group B Subjects n/a
Group C Sciences
Biology 30 Biology 40S
Biology 20 Biology 30G or 30S
Chemistry 30 Chemistry 40S
Chemistry 20 Chemistry 30S
Computer Science - Advanced level CTS
(5 credits)
Computing Science 40S
Math 30-1 Pre-calculus Math 40S
Math 30-2 Applied Mathematics 40S or 40G (May not be presented for admission together with Pre-calculus Math 40S)
Math 31 (Calculus) Calculus 40S or Calculus 45S and Advanced Math 45S
Math 30 Applied n/a
Math 20-1 Pre-calculus Math 30S
Math 20-2 Applied Math 30S
Math 10C Applied or Pre-calculus Math 20S
Physics 30 Physics 40S
Physics 20 Physics 30S
Other Group C n/a
Group D Other
  Other 40S or 40G level subjects

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New Brunswick

Alberta New Brunswick
Group A Humanities
ELA 30-1 English Language Arts 121, 122, or Anglais 126B
ELA 30-2 n/a
Social Studies 30-1 Canadian History 122, Native Studies 120
30-level Language French 121, French 122, Latin 122, 126-Level Language  or French Immersion Language Arts 120
Other Group A Subjects Canadian Geography 120, World Issues 120
Group B Fine Arts
Drama 30 Drama 121, Drama 122, Theatre Arts 120
Art 30, Art 31, or Applied Graphic Arts 35 Art 121, Art 122, Visual Arts 120
Music 30 or Music 35 Music 120, Music 122
Other Group B Subjects n/a
Group C Sciences
Biology 30 Biology 121 or 122
Biology 20 Biology 112
Chemistry 30 Chemistry 121 or 122
Chemistry 20 Chemistry 112
Computer Science - Advanced level CTS
(5 credits)
Math 30-1 Pre-calculus A120 and B120
Math 30-2 Foundations of Mathematics 120 (may not be presented for admission together with Pre-calculus A120 and B 120)
Math 31 (Calculus) Calculus 12 or AP Calculus 12
Math 30 Applied n/a
Math 20-1 Pre-calculus 110
Math 20-2 Foundations of Mathematics 110
Math 10C n/a
Physics 30 Physics 121 or 122
Physics 20 Physics 112
Other Group C Environmental Science 121 or 122
Group D Other
  Other 12x-level subjects such as Canadian Lit 120

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Newfoundland and Labrador

Alberta Newfoundland and Labrador
Group A Humanities
ELA 30-1 ELA 3201
ELA 30-2 ELA 3202
Social Studies 30-1 World History 3201
30-level Language 3200 level language
Other Group A Subjects World Geography 3202
Group B Fine Arts
Drama 30 Grade 12 drama or Theatre Arts 3220
Art 30, Art 31, or Applied Graphic Arts 35 Art and Design 3200
Music 30 or Music 35 Applied Music 3206
Other Group B Subjects n/a
Group C Sciences
Biology 30 Biology 3201
Biology 20 Biology 2201
Chemistry 30 Chemistry 3202
Chemistry 20 Chemistry 2202
Computer Science - Advanced level CTS
(5 credits)
Math 30-1 Math 3200
Math 30 Pure Math 3204 or 3205
Math 30-2 Math 3201 (may not be presented for admission together with Math 3200, 3204 and Math 3205)
Math 31 (Calculus) Math 3207 or 3208
Math 30 Applied Math 3206
Math 20-1 Mathematics 2204 or 2205
Math 20-2 Math 2206
Math 10C Math 1204
Physics 30 Physics 3204
Physics 20 Physics 2204
Other Group C Earth Systems 3209
Group D Other
  Other 32xx (or two 31xx) level subjects such as: Folk Lit 3202, Advanced Writing 3104 and Lang 3104

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Nova Scotia

Alberta Nova Scotia
Group A Humanities
ELA 30-1 English 12 or English 12: African Heritage
ELA 30-2 English Communications 12
Social Studies 30-1 Global History 12
30-level Language 12-level language
Other Group A Subjects Geography 12 or Global Geography 12
Group B Fine Arts
Drama 30 12-level Drama
Art 30, Art 31, or Applied Graphic Arts 35 Art 12
Music 30 or Music 35 Music 12 (Band, Strings, Vocals)
Other Group B Subjects n/a
Group C Sciences
Biology 30 Biology 12
Biology 20 Biology 11
Chemistry 30 Chemistry 12
Chemistry 20 Chemistry 11
Computer Science - Advanced level CTS
(5 credits)
Math 30-1 Advanced Math 12 or Pre-calculus 12
Math 30-2 Academic Mathematics 12
Math 31 (Calculus) Calculus 12
Math 30 Applied n/a
Math 20-1 Mathematics 11 or Pre-calculus 11
Math 20-2 Mathematics Foundations 11
Math 10C n/a
Physics 30 Physics 12
Physics 20 Physics 11
Other Group C Geology 12, Statistics 12
Group D Other
  Other Grade 12-level subjects such as: Canadian Lit 12, Economics 12, and African Heritage Lit 12

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Alberta Ontario
Group A Humanities
ELA 30-1 English (ENG4U), English (EAE4U), or Studies in Literature (ETS4U)
ELA 30-2 English (ENG4C)
Social Studies 30-1 Canada: History, Identity and Culture (CH14U), World History: the West and the World (CHY4U)
30-level Language Any Native Language Level 4 or 5 (LNADO-LNODO or LNAEO-LNOEO) French (FSF4U), Extended French (FEF4U), French Immersion (FIF4U), Francais (FRARU) or any International Language Level 4 (LBADU-LYXDU)
Other Group A Subjects Canadian and World Issues (CGW4U), World Geography (CGU4U), Classical Civilizations (LW4U), Native Studies: Aboriginal Governance (NDG4M), Native Studies: Issues of Indigenuous Peoples in a Global Context (NDW4M), Economics (CIA4U), Philosophy (HZT4U), Politics (CPW4U), Canadian and International Law (CLN4U), Studies in Literature (ETS4U), Writer's Craft (EWC4U), Interdisciplinary Studies (IDC4U)
Group B Fine Arts
Drama 30 Dramatic Arts (ADG4M), Acting (ADG4M), Production (ADD4M)
Art 30, Art 31, or Applied Graphic Arts 35 Visual Arts (AVI4M), Illustration (AWK4M), Painting (AWN4M), Photography (AWQ4M), Applied Design (AWD4M)
Music 30 or Music 35 Music (AMU4M), Repertoire (AMR4M), Strings (AMS4M), Guitar (AMG4M), Stage Band (AMH4M), Instrumental Band (AMI4M), Vocal/Choral (AMV4M)
Other Group B Subjects Dance (ATC4M), Dance Performance (ATP4M)
Group C Sciences
Biology 30 Biology (SBI4U)
Biology 20 Biology (SBI3U or SBI3C)
Chemistry 30 Chemistry (SCH4U)
Chemistry 20 Chemistry (SCH3U or SCH3C)
Computer Science - Advanced level CTS
(5 credits)
Computer Studies (ICS4U)
Math 30-1 Advanced Functions (MHF4U)
Math 30-2 Mathematics of Data Management (MDM4U)
Math 31 (Calculus) Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)
Math 30 Applied Foundations for College Mathematics (MAP4C)
Math 20-1 Functions (MCR3U) or Functions and Applications (MCF3M)
Math 20-2 Foundations for College Mathematics (MBF3C)
Math 10C Foundations of Mathematics 10 (MFM2D)
Physics 30 Physics (SPH4U)
Physics 20 Physics (SPH3U)
Other Group C Earth and Space Science (SES4U), Science (SNC4M)
Group D Other
  Other 4U or 4M subjects such as Philosophy and Law

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Prince Edward Island

Alberta Prince Edward Island
Group A Humanities
ELA 30-1 English 611 or 621
ELA 30-2 English 631
Social Studies 30-1 History 621
30-level Language 621-level language
Other Group A Subjects Geography 621
Group B Fine Arts
Drama 30 Drama 621
Art 30, Art 31, or Applied Graphic Arts 35 Art 621
Music 30 or Music 35 Music 621
Other Group B Subjects n/a
Group C Sciences
Biology 30 Biology 621
Biology 20 Biology 521
Chemistry 30 Chemistry 611 or 621
Chemistry 20 Chemistry 521
Computer Science - Advanced level CTS
(5 credits)
Math 30-1 Mathematics (Algebra) 621B
Math 30-2 Mathematics 621A
Math 31 (Calculus) Mathematics 611 (B) (Calculus)
Math 30 Applied n/a
Math 20-1 Mathematics 521 B
Math 20-2 Mathematics 531 A
Math 10C n/a
Physics 30 Physics 621
Physics 20 Physics 521A
Other Group C Oceanography 621, Environmental Science 621
Group D Other
  Other one (or two half) credit 6xx level subjects

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Note: Applicants must present two semesters of CEGEP to meet Alberta Education 30 or 30-1 admission requirement(s).

Alberta Quebec
Group A Humanities
ELA 30-1 Courses numbered in the 603 series (English Literature)
ELA 30-2 Secondary Year 5 English or SLA or ENG 5061-3 & ENG-5062-3
Social Studies 30-1 Courses numbered in the 330 series (History)
30-level Language Courses numbered in the 601 series (Francais), 602 series (French as a Second Language), 607 to 616 series (Other Languages)
Other Group A Subjects Courses numbered in the 320 series (Geography), 332 series (Ancient Civilizations), 340 Series (Philosophy), 345 Series (Humanities), 383 series (Economics)
Group B Fine Arts
Drama 30 Courses numbered in the 560 series (Theatre)
Art 30, Art 31, or Applied Graphic Arts 35 Courses numbered in the 510 (Visual Arts), 520 series (Art History)
Music 30 or Music 35 Courses numbered in the 550 series (Music)
Other Group B Subjects n/a
Group C Sciences
Biology 30 101 series (Biology)
Biology 20 Biology 534
Chemistry 30 202 Series (Chemistry)
Chemistry 20 Chemistry 534
Computer Science - Advanced level CTS
(5 credits)
Math 30-1 Series 201 (Excluding Calculus and Statistics)
Math 30-2 n/a
Math 31 (Calculus) Series 201 (Calculus 1)
Math 30 Applied n/a
Math 20-1 Math 536
Math 20-2 Math 526
Math 10C n/a
Physics 30 203 Series (Physics)
Physics 20 Physics 534
Other Group C 320 series (Physical Geography)
Group D Other
  Other subjects such as: Humanities (345) or Sociology (387)

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Alberta Saskatchewan
Group A Humanities
ELA 30-1

ELA A30 and B30

*Note: Francophone or French Immersion applicants who present a 30 level Francais or French Lanuage Arts course (FLA) need only present ELA A30 or B30 ot meet the English Language Arts 30-1 requirement

ELA 30-2 n/a
Social Studies 30-1 Social Studies 30, History 30 or Etudes Sociales 30
30-level Language 30-level Language
Other Group A Subjects Native Studies 30, Sciences Sociales Fransakois 30
Group B Fine Arts
Drama 30 Drama 30, Theatre 30
Art 30, Art 31, or Applied Graphic Arts 35 Arts Education 30, Visual Arts 30
Music 30 or Music 35 Choral 30, Band 30, Music 30, Orchestra 30
Other Group B Subjects Dance 30
Group C Sciences
Biology 30 Biology 30
Biology 20 Health Science 20 or Environmental Science 20
Chemistry 30 Chemistry 30
Chemistry 20 Physical Science 20
Computer Science - Advanced level CTS
(5 credits)
Computer Science 30
Math 30-1 Math B30 and Math C30 or Pre-calculus 30
Math 30-2 Foundations of Math 30 (may not be presented for admission together with Pre-calculus 30)
Math 31 (Calculus) Calculus 30
Math 30 Applied Math A30 or B30
Math 20-1 Math 20 (Core) Pre-calculus
Math 20-2 Math 20 (core) Foundations of Math 20
Math 10C Math 10 (core) Foundations of Math & Pre-calculus 10
Physics 30 Physics 30
Physics 20 Physical Science 20
Other Group C Math A30 (may not be presented for admission with Math B30/Math C30 and Calculus 30)
Group D Other
  Other one (or two half) credit 30-level subjects such as: Christian Ethics 30, Economics 30

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