Academic Policies

Academic Year: 

Policies are a guide to organizational operation and behavior. Members of the Red Deer College community are governed by policies that are consistent with College values. RDC policies are organized by key areas. Here is a link to the Policies of the Board of Governors.
If you would like more information, or have any questions, please contact us at 403.343.4003.

Academic | Administration | Finance | FOIP | Human Resources | Student

Type Ctrl + F(find) to search for key words in the policy title.


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Administration - General

Administration - Facilities

Administration - Information Technology Services

Administration - Marketing and Communications

Administration - Research

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Finance - General

Finance - Fundraising

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Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy

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HR - Occupational Health and Safety, Wellness

HR - Payroll and Benefits

HR - Personnel and Labour Relations

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Student - General

Student - Residence

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